
That is the name I want to give to Sahishnu's (My five year old sweetie-pie son) first abstract painting :). Sahishnu's school is now closed for summer vacation. Thought I would introduce him to the art of painting...! I told him little about Da Vinci, Michealangelo and picasso. Showed him the paintings of all the three of them on the internet and he loved Michael angelo. I wanted both of us to spend the afternoon painting. Not that I want to force my interest on him. He always has the freedom to choose what ever he wants to do, for a career or for a hobby. But I want him to try out things so that he will know whether he is interested in pursuing it further or not. So we had a fun time painting together. This was what I did.. just to show him how to use the brush and the paints.

He asked me what it was, I said it was a just an abstract painting and explained to him in simple terms what an abstract was. And then I gave him the paints and asked him to paint whatever he wanted to.. he said he wanted to paint an abstract too and this is the result. 

I named it "Freedom" because that is what it depicts. Sahishnu just painted what ever came to his mind today.. he enjoyed doing it so much.. he was not at all concerned about the outcome of his work.. he did not think whether it would look good or not. What he painted was an ultimate form of his colourful thoughts. He painted his enjoyment in what he was doing.. and that is what I would call freedom. 


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