
The little fellow born on 17th Jan of 2009 was named Samanyu on 8th of April.. There is not much to document about his early months, apart from my "Oh God! When will we understand each other?" cries and the accomplishment of regular milestones!!! I wish I could make a photo journal of the early months of both of my kids.

Samanyu... aka chinna aka budugu aka tweety (hmmm... at present there is no unanimously agreed upon pet name for him! )is going to be a year old next month! He is very very adamant in nature..he wants what ever he wants when ever he wants it. The best part is he already seems to know how to get what he wants too! His favourite time of the day is in the night while the entire family chills out before the TV. He always wants to cling to me like a baby monkey and puts up a real fight if anyone is trying to take him away from me! He knows that pressing the buttons on the remote control triggers some thing on the TV. Consequently his favourite time pass is playing with the remote! And, he loves scribbling on the wall with a pencil.


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